Each year, the John Carroll Society holds several retreats to allow members and guests an opportunity to gather and reflect on their faith, focus on Catholic teaching, and seek spiritual renewal. Each retreat is guided by a retreat director and features the presentation of multiple lectures, opportunities for individual reflection, celebration of Mass, a group meal, and the celebration of Reconciliation.
Typically, the Fall Retreat is held in October or November at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD.
Another retreat, often referred to as the Day of Recollection, is usually held just prior to or during Lent at the nearby Washington Retreat Center.
Fall Retreat
In recent years, the Fall Retreat has been led by the following retreat directors and focused on the following themes:
- 2024: Rev. Patrick S. Lewis, Remain in Christ: The Key to Authentic Renewal
- 2023: Msgr. Andrew Baker, The Joy and Hope of the Gospel in Professional Life
- 2022: Msgr. William King, Prophets Unite! Lament: The Misunderstood Biblical Theme
- 2021: Rev. Patrick S. Lewis, Rejoice! God is With Us!
- 2020: Rev. Anthony Lickteig, Advent - A Season of Hope
- 2019: Rev. Dennis McManus, The Conversations of Jesus
- 2018: Msgr. Michael Heintz, Living as Sons and Daughters of the Light
- 2017: Msgr. Anthony Frontiero, The Many Faces of Being Called: The Joy and the Challenge of Being a Disciple of Jesus
- 2016: Msgr. Andrew Baker, Trusting Like a Child of God
- 2015: Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, Finding Joy in a Secular Age
- 2014: Msgr. Charles V. Antonicelli, The Spirituality of Encounter: Reflections on Encounters with Jesus
- 2013: Msgr. Robert Panke, The Path to Holiness: Becoming Beloved Sons and Daughters of the Father
Day of Recollection
In recent years, the Day of Recollection has been led by the following retreat directors and focused on the following themes:
- 2024: Rev. Joseph Cwik, "Here I Am Lord." Being Present to God and to our Neighbor
- 2023: Rev. Stephen Wyble, Christ the Physician of Souls
- 2022: Rev. Daniel Pajerski, Saved by the Heart of Christ
- 2021: Rev. Chris Seith, The Experience of Hell and How the Lord Frees Us
- 2020: Rev. Robert Boxie, Your Lenten Meal Plan: More Deserts and Less Desserts
- 2019: Rev. Mark Ivany, Friendship with Christ: How We Come to Understand Ourselves and Our Purpose in Life
- 2018: Rev. Gap LoBiondo, S.J., Discovering How God's Love Is At Work In Our Lives: Faith, Prayer, and Service
- 2017: Rev. Stephen W. Planning, S.J., Jesus - The Full Revelation of God's Mercy
- 2016: Rev. Paul McPartlan, The Eucharist Makes the Church
- 2015: Rev. Stephen D. Ryan, O.P., Learning Christ, Serving Christ: Reading Saint Mark’s Gospel in Lent
- 2014: Rev. James J. Greenfield, OSFS, Lent: Falling Up, Falling Down, and Falling In
- 2013: Rev. Joseph Lingan, S.J., Lent: Season, Symbol, Sign and Summons for the Faith-Filled